Java Language: Basics Guide For Beginners

Java Language: Basics Guide For Beginners

Java is a common-purpose programming language that is based on class, object-oriented and built to have as few dependencies on execution as possible.

It is designed to allow application creators to "write once, run anywhere"(WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all systems that support Java without the need for recompilation.

For example, you can write and compile a Java program on UNIX and run it on Windows, UNIX or Macintosh machines without any changes to the source code.

WORA is achieved through the compilation of a Java program into an intermediate language called bytecode. The bytecode format is platform-independent. On each platform, a virtual machine called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is used to run the bytecode.

Java programming language

History of Java

Java was originally founded by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been owned by Oracle Corporation) and published as a key element of the Sun Microsystems Java platform in 1995.

The language acquires much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than any other programming language.

Oracle Corporation is the present owner of the official application of the Java SE platform following its purchase of Sun Microsystems on 27th January 2010. This execution is based on Sun's initial Java application. The implementation of Oracle is accessible for Linux, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Solaris.

Implementation of Oracle is packaged into two different sets:

  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which includes the parts of the Java SE platform needed to run Java programs and is designed for end-users.
  2. Java Development Kit (JDK) which is designed for software developers and contains development equipment such as Java compiler, Jar, Javadoc, and debugger.

Programming Community Index

Garbage Collection In Java

Java uses an automatic garbage collector to manage memory in the life cycle of an object.

The programmer defined when objects are created and it is the responsibility of the Java runtime to recover the memory once objects are no longer in use.

Once there are no references to an object, the unachievable memory becomes eligible to be automatically released by the garbage collector.

It is not possible to manage explicit memory in Java.

Java Hello World Program

The formal "Hello World!" program can be written in Java as:

public class Hello {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.println("Hello World");

Hello World

If you have copied the correct code, you need to save the name of the account as It's because the class name and filename should match in Java.

Principles of Java

The development of the Java language has five main objectives:

  1. It needs to be simple, object-oriented, and familiar.
  2. It must be solid and secure.
  3. It should be architecturally neutral and portable.
  4. It should be executed with high productivity.
  5. It needs to be interpreted, and dynamic.

Learn Java Programming

Learn Java Programming

Java is a common programming language and technological platform for general purposes. It's quick, reliable, and secure. Java operates on 3 billion+ machines globally, according to Oracle (the company that owns Java).

Judging by the number of Java developers, devices running Java, and companies developing it. it is secure to say that Java will be around for many years to come.

This manual will provide you with everything you need to understand about the Java programming language before you learn it. Specifically, you will learn about Java programming features, the reasons for learning it, how to learn it the correct way.

The Android operating system uses Java-related technology extensively.

Online Java Compiler

Run Java program on Computer

You need to exercise the programs to understand the Java programming language, so you can learn the language quickly. This page contains java programs on multiple topics such as control statements, classes & objects, functions, loops, arrays, etc.

If you are serious about learning java programming language, you should get yourself a good book from below.

Share your thoughts about Java programming languages in the comment box.

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  2. Great article, keep posting...


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